Aikomani LinkedIn-artikkelin toinen osa lipsahti vahingossa näkyviin pelkkänä tynkänä (engl. stub). Mutta näin voi joskus käydä:

"As popularly conceived, [hypertext] is a series of chunks connected by links which offer the reader different pathways.Current conceptions of hypertext see it in similar terms. George Landow, for instance, describes it as "text composed of blocks of words (or images) linked electronically by multiple paths, chains, or trails in an open-ended, perpetually unfinished textuality described by the terms link, node, network, Web, and path." (Making links: public hypertexts, lainaus teoksesta Landow, G. 1997, Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology, s. 3, alleviivaus minun.)

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